Home Sacrifice ~ Pst. Belemina Obunge

Sacrifice ~ Pst. Belemina Obunge

Sacrifice ~ Pst. Belemina Obunge

Topic: Sacrifice
Text:  Jonah 2:7-10
Minister: Pst. Belemina Obunge

This month is a month of sacrifice; the cross is all about sacrifice, the reason we are Christians today is sacrifice. Too often, we talk about the sacrifice Jesus Christ had done on our behalf, but let’s not forget that that just gives us 25% of the blessings we ought to have as Christians, the other 75% comes from our connecting with the sacrifice we need to make as Christians. We are so focused on the blessings that comes with sacrifice, whether the blessing of salvation, the blessing of making heaven, the blessing of breakthrough and so on; but we must know that there are greater blessings, unique blessings, uncommon grace when we learn that we need to connect to the power of sacrifice.

The Bibles talks about sacrifice up to about 215 times, it talks about the need for us to link up with sacrifice. Here are some highlights on sacrifice:

1.           Thanksgiving: Jonah 2:9-10 “But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; I will pay that that I have vowed. Salvation is of the LORD.” – The moment Jonah shifted to the sacrifice of thanksgiving, the Lord spoke unto the fish and it vomited Jonah. Too often, we remain in a place of darkness, we remain in a place of murmuring, complaining and limitation, because instead of connecting with sacrifice of thanksgiving. When we talk about sacrifice, it is painful but it is gainful. Sacrifice talks about a Letting go for a lifting up.

2.            Connecting to the Prize: when we talk of sacrifice, we are paying a price to connect with the prize. We often miss out of the Prize because we fail to pay the price. In Revelation 5:11-12 “Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing”.  By the power of sacrifice, the LORD released some benefits to Jesus – this is the same benefits we get when we connect with sacrifice. It’s sad to know that evil men understand the power of sacrifice more than some Christians; the know that evil sacrifice results to evil power, and the stronger the sacrifice is, the greater the power.. When you connect to sacrifice, you link up to power.

3.            Connecting to Riches: When you connect to sacrifice, you link up to riches. Solomon connected with Sacrifice and he got riches; Abraham connected with sacrifice and linked up with blessing. The Lord said “In blessings, I will bless thee”, why because he connected to sacrifice. When the Lord mentioned to me that this month is a month of Sacrifice, he said the reason was because he wanted his sons to walk in the realm of these seven blessings listed above. This will happen on the platform of sacrifice. It’s not convenient but you are doing it because God says do it.


i. Your Time: You sacrifice your time to help people. Heb. 13:16 “But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased”. Such sacrifices, God is pleased. I just remembered when Abraham was by his house sitting and he see some people pass by, and Abraham say I must be a blessing to this people; It wasn’t about convenience and he rushed to meet and invite them to come and eat. That was how became pregnant. Beloved, let’s take note about this month, it’s not about convenience but about sacrifice. When you have the opportunity to do good, win souls, go ahead and do it. It is the power of sacrifice. Christianity is about sacrifice.

ii. Your Treasure: You sacrifice your treasure Gen. 22:2 “And hr said, take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of”. God was trying to see Abraham’s willingness to give his best – to give his treasure. It was not going to be convenient, but it was to be done on a platform of sacrifice, because that is what Christianity is all about. In Genesis 22:2, Abraham goes forth and his ready to give that which is his treasure – his beloved son. After all, that is what God did – He gave us his son Jesus. I realized that so many people are gifted; there are people that God had given peculiar gifts and they are waiting to be begged before they use their talent for God.

This month is a month of sacrifice. Jesus gave it all and the LORD gave him a name… Such power and authority came because of sacrifice

iii. You give Yourself: Rom. 12:1 “I beseech you brethren, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable unto God”. God wants us to come as we are and say Lord, I am ready to put my ways right with you and then you begin to see God work wonders in you. We talk of The Redeemed Christian Church of God in 190 nations, and that happened because some individuals sacrificed. Brethren, this month I want to urge every one that wants to move into higher dimensions, the key is sacrifice.


i.              In the midst of challenges. 1 Kings 17:8-16

ii.             When God commands you to sacrifice.

iii.            When you have a craving or an urge. 1 Kings 3:3-5

I realize the greatest of blessings and breakthroughs I have had was on the platform of sacrifice; and that’s why I continue to sacrifice my time, my treasure and resources. Guess what, When you sacrifice, the LORD releases strength because you are operating on the altar of sacrifice. God wants you to give your all to him, so he can use you for his glory.


  • My Father, my Father, this month of April, may the power of sacrifice begin to operate in my life, that your blessings shall prevail. Father, this month, I ask for grace to sacrifice in Jesus name
  • Oh LORD, every hindrance to my sacrifice not been accepted by you, let it be uprooted in Jesus name
  • Oh LORD, strengthen me to hear from you so that I will not miss out of my opportunity.

Author: admin

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