Home Wonders of Fasting – Bro. Philemon Okeke

Wonders of Fasting – Bro. Philemon Okeke

Wonders of Fasting – Bro. Philemon Okeke

Topic: Wonders of Fasting
Text: Mark 9 vs 17-29
Speaker: Bro. Philemon Okeke

What is fasting?

  • Fasting is the spiritual catalyst to prayer and divine intervention.
  • Fasting means subduing the flesh and it’s works
  • Fasting awakens our spirit man and activates our spiritual antennae to receive spiritual signals and messages.
  • Fasting converts physical strength to spiritual muscles.
  • Fasting is a spiritual prescription for triumphant living.
  • Fasting mobilises and activates spiritual emergency intervention unit of heaven (Isaiah 58:16)
  • Fasting is the spiritual 911 of the believers

The Wonders of Fasting

  1. Fasting can destroy a dumb spirit: a dumb spirit is that spirit that closes your voice and silences your spiritual life. It is that spirit that would not let you communicate to God. Dumb spirit makes it difficult for people to comprehend what you are trying to communicate.
  2. Gnashing of teeth: any problem that causes you pain and physical injury is the problem of gnashing of teeth. Fasting deals with such problems
  3. Problem of incapability: fasting breaks the problem of incapability that hinders you from functioning optimally as a child of God.
  4. Problem of faithlessness; fasting amplifies our faith, stirs our faith and makes us believe beyond the ordinary.
  5. Reoccurrence of unpleasant events: whatever problem that occurs frequently on our life that is unpleasant fasting will end it and cast it into the fire.
    Evil external influences: fasting destroys external influences that makes us do wrong things that we do not want to do.
  6. Refocuses our prayers: fasting opens our eyes to see what is behind the problems we are facing. It helps us pray out of revelation.
  7. Revives your life: fasting makes your spiritual life, marital life, financial life, academic life etc., come alive. It revives every aspect of our life and make it sparkle again.

How often should I fast
2nd Corinthians 11: 27

Why should I fast
1 kings 21: 9-14
If our enemies are fasting to kill us why should we not fast.

Acts 10:30-31
Fasting brings angelic and divine visitations

Ezekiel 16:49
we need to speak and subdue our flesh to fast so we can get results

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