Home Wonderful Creations (Women Conference) ~ Pst. Mrs. Modupe Oni

Wonderful Creations (Women Conference) ~ Pst. Mrs. Modupe Oni

Wonderful Creations (Women Conference) ~ Pst. Mrs. Modupe Oni

Topic: Wonderful Creations (Women Conference)
Text: Genesis 1:27
Speaker: Pastor Mrs. Modupe Oni

Date: 1st November, 2020

Genesis 1:27

So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created He him; male and female created He them.


Wonderful, when we are talking about wonderful we mean excellence, amazing, astonishing, unique, great, something that is marvelous. When we call somebody a wonder it means the person is filled with admiration and amazement.

Anything wonderful is linked with our Lord Jesus Christ and we know that our lord, His name is wonderful.

Creation, creation means an act of producing or causing to exist. God made women to exist, before you were formed in your mother’s womb, God knew you (Jeremiah 1:5), that means He has already predetermined your gender and for you to be a woman, it’s a great privilege.


  1. Women are wonderful creations, been a woman is one of His wonders of creation. A woman was created to be another man with different features to complement her male counterpart. The first man is male, and the second man is female. The first man was man and the second man was a man with a womb (woman). Both are equal beings with different features to complement each other, if you are a man, you are to complement the woman and if you are a woman, you are to complement the man.
  • Women are fearfully and wonderfully made, (Psalm 139:14) proves that we are fearfully and wonderfully made, which means God was careful when He was creating woman, He was extra-careful.
  • We are the Glory of men, (1 Corinthians 11:7) Glory is something that is a source of honor or admiration, if we are the glory of the man, it means we add beauty and honor to their lives. Without women, God’s work is incomplete, God completed His work by creating women. A woman is the crown of all God’s creation. She was created to meet a need and perfect creation.
  • Signs and Wonders. (Isaiah 8:18) As a woman, you have the duty to train your children to work in signs and wonders. You don’t delegate your duty to house helps. You have to allow God use you to perform your duty.
  • Women are Noble, (Ruth 3:11)
  • God can do many things through the woman without the man, (Matthew 1:16) The importance of men still remain highly regarded.
  • Women are Intelligent and Beautiful.
  • Women are multitaskers, they are endowed with strength and are hardworking. (Proverbs 31:16-19)
  • Women incubates seeds and births them, our womb are meant to birth seeds physically and Spiritually. God gave us the honor to bring souls to the kingdom. Look at stories of Esther, Mary, Abigail, Hannah.


 I want all women to know that you are a gift to humanity and you are endowed with wisdom. Refuse to have low self-esteem, don’t let anybody devalue you.

Celebrate yourself and keep growing in the knowledge of God, in your profession, Character, Cooking, improve yourself and add value. Invest in your growth.

If you are not yet born again all these things we are talking about, you might not achieve them. Because you can’t achieve them without God. You can only achieve them, when God is on your side.


Father make me a wonder, make my family a wonder, make my children wonders in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen!

Author: admin

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