Home Why Businesses Fail ~ Pst. Belemina Obunge

Why Businesses Fail ~ Pst. Belemina Obunge

Why Businesses Fail ~ Pst. Belemina Obunge

Topic: Why Businesses Fail
Text:   Joshua 1:8
Minister: Pastor Belemina Obunge

Once upon a time, a wonderful Christian brother had a friend, and his friend went into poultry business, and the business was doing exceptionally well; so well that this Christian Brother decided to join the poultry business. When the Christian brother went into the poultry business, the business failed. We asked ourselves, “What went wrong?”

Why is it that one person went into business and it succeeded and yet another person, tongue-talking, demon-chasing believer, had gone into the same business and it failed? Aging I ask, “What went wrong?” why did the business fail?

You may be reading this piece and you have experienced failures before, stay with me because I’ll be sharing with you WHY BUSINESS FAIL. In this series – Divine Partnership, Business is very essential because it is the mother of partnerships. What God did with Adam in Genesis 2 was that He put him in a garden and gave him a business to tend the garden; and God expect in accordance with His word in Isiah 48:17, that once we allow Him to partner with us, He will lead and direct us along the way that we should profit.

It’s my prayer that as you read this piece, you shall profit in the work of your hand in the name of Jesus.

The word of God tells us in Joshua 1:8 “This book of the Lord shall not depart from thy mouth, and you shall meditate on it day and night, and you shall observe to do all that is written in it. Then you shall make your way prosperous and you shall have good success”.

When we meditate and observe to do His word, God has made it clear that we shall have good success. Again we ask ourselves, how many of us go into business because our friend is doing it? How many of us go into business because it is God’s word for us?

The word of God tells us in Colossians 1 that God fills us with wisdom and knowledge so that we can be fruitful in every good work. It is God’s desire that we be fruitful in every good work; when you go according to his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding.

God is interested in business, he says occupy till I come – Luke 9:13 (ESV) “Engage in business till I come”. God wants us to do business, Kingdom business, business that will enhance our productivity in life; he says engage in business, but why do businesses fail?


1.         Flaws in perception: When you have a flaw in your perception, and you say well… I think I should do this business: trying to run another man’s vision as your own business. Without seeking God’s counsel, you saw another man doing well in business, and you say the business will fit you, and you went into it. The bible says God leads and direct us in the paths that we should profit, but how many of us usually ask God before taking any action? Is your vision given to you by God? “Where there is no vision, the people perish..”

If you truly want God to partner with you, seek God’s will, seek His word. Let God speak to you, and let Him be definite, and as the Lord leads and directs you, good success shall be your portion in Jesus name.

2.         Flimsy preparation: There is a process for preparation, we’ve heard the saying “Proper preparation prevents poor performance”. Poor preparation hinders worthy celebration. When God gives you a vision and you don’t take your time to prepare, it hinders you from been celebrated [2 Chronicles 27:6]. If you want your business to be celebrated, there has to be proper preparation; proper preparation requires getting adequate knowledge: seek for knowledge so that you will be able to be among the top.

Somebody once said, if you are not going to be among the top 20%, then don’t think of going into business; if you don’t have a vision of been among the best in business, the don’t go into it.

3.         Faulty Product: Do you have the right product for your environment? In an environment of many challenges there are a lot of businesses. For anyone to succeed in business, you’ve got to have the right product for your environment.

            Prayer: Lord please reveal unto me the right skills I need for a time like this.

4.         Failure to promote the business: Just having a product is not enough. You must learn to promote your product. The word of God says “Let your light so shine”. We need to shine wherever we are; we need to promote whatever we are doing. “Promotion attracts attention”. Thank God for Facebook and Instagram, it’s a good means to promotion. It is promotion that attracts attention, and it is important for us to promote what we are doing.

5.         False Packaging: Because we have not packaged the business for what is at hand, we don’t seem to be ready for what is demanded of us. Our package must be exactly the content of our product. If your product is not good, it will eventually fail.

People may package themselves falsely but God sees the heart of men. God wants you to prosper in business, pay attention to these things.

Prayer Point:

  • My father, my father, I don’t want to be a failure in life. Whatever is wrong in y day to day life, please put it right.
  • Oh Lord, every agent of deceit trying to hinder my progress, expose and disgrace them.
  • My father, my father, please perfect me for the assignment of my life. Help me to excel in life in Jesus name.

Author: admin

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