Home This Evil must stop ~ Pst Philemon Okeke

This Evil must stop ~ Pst Philemon Okeke

This Evil must stop ~ Pst Philemon Okeke

Text: Ecclesiastes 10:5
Speaker: Pst. Philemon Okeke

Date: 12th February 2022. 1st Service

Ecclesiastes 10:5 (KJV)

There is an evil which I have seen under the sun, as an error which proceedeth from the ruler


In the above scriptures, the evil was sponsored by the error of the ruler, so we often suffer from the error or mistake made by our forefathers, an evil resulting from a ruler’s error.

Who is a ruler?

  1. Anyone God has placed over you

Eli sinned and calamities came upon Israel (they were destroyed by the Philistines), Pharoah disobeyed God and all the first sons of the people died, the ruler makes a mistake and the people (nations) suffers from it.

  • Son’s biological Parents

The Bible says in Ezekiel 18:2 “The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children’s teeth are set on edge…” meaning, the father eats sour grapes and the child feels the pain. You need to take out some time and x-ray your lineage, because the evil you are suffering right now might be an error from your forefathers, for the Bible, says in Psalms 11:3, “for if the foundation be destroyed, what can the righteous do?”

  •  Anyone whose decision can affect your wedding or your destinies Anyone whose decision has affected your well-being and your destiny/ Anyone whose decision will affect your well-being and destiny.

Ephesians 6:12, rulers of darkness, what makes them rulers is that they rule only when there Is darkness, any where they see darkness that is where they rule and the reason why they rule over your life is that there is darkness.


I command every trace of darkness in my life to go in the name of Jesus. Father! Let there be light in my life, in Jesus’ name.

The effect /consequence of the error made by the ruler

  1. Folly is set in great dignity: people you are better than will get what is meant for you.
  2. The rich sit in low places: you have all it takes but you are too low to be given the opportunity.
  3. Servants are riding horses: What belongs to a son, servants are carrying it.


  1. Father, I unseat the ruler; every transaction and activity of that ruler, I raise a lamentation with the blood d of Jesus.

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