Home The Word works wonders ~ Pst. Ezekiel Odeyemi

The Word works wonders ~ Pst. Ezekiel Odeyemi

The Word works wonders ~ Pst. Ezekiel Odeyemi

Topic: The Word works wonders
Text: Mark 1:40 – 42
Speaker: Pst. Ezekiel Odeyemi

The Spoken word is the ultimate weapon amongst all weapons ever created. The spoken word works wonders. It could Bless, Revive and also deal with your adversary.

God does not waste His word. Whenever God speaks then there is a change that is of necessity.

In our Text, the Bible said immediately Jesus spoke the word, the man with leprosy was cleansed.

  • The spoken word works immediately.
  • It works for those who don’t have alternatives

Mark 2 : 3 – 5, 9 – 12

In this passage, the friends of the man sick of the palsy would not allow any barrier to getting a spoken word for their friend’s miracle.

  • The reason you’re still limited is because you are allowing limitations limit you.

Still in Mark 2 : 3 – 5, 9 – 12, Jesus attending to the faith of these men started with saying, “Son, thy sins be forgiven thee”.

  • As long as Jesus has not dealt with your sin, He cannot deal with any problem in your life.
  • Sin is the first thing the blood of Jesus would cleanse.

Matt 8:5 – 13

This is the story of the Centurion who met Jesus for his servant’s health. After requesting for and getting a spoken word from the master he went home only to confirm that his servant was healed that same moment Jesus spoke the word of healing.

  • The Spoken Word is not limited by distance.
  • When you’re dealing with Jesus, there is no place for probability.

Prophecy: Wherever your miracles are, through the spoken word you would discover them.

Prophecy: Your embarrassment would turn to your acceleration

Prophecy: Events would begin to happen that would take you to the top.

Prophecy: The next business you’re about to do would carry profit.

  • Until you open your mouth to pray for yourself, your situation would not change.
  • Everything that happens, happens by the spoken word.

Exodus 3:1 – 8

In this passage, God was speaking to Moses; commissioning him to go deliver His people. Notice God did not include Moses for deliverance, it was them God talked about. This was because Moses was already delivered because of His spoken word to him.

At God’s Spoken Word, Moses, rod, that which reminded him of his failure and fall from princely position was transformed to a scepter for success.

Prophecy: Your Failure would become your strength.

  • When you carry and move in the spoken word, your worse enemies would rise to help you.
  • It was the power of the spoken word that Moses came with that granted him access to pharaoh.
  • It is how much of God you know that would determine what God would do for you.
  • If you have no revelation of God, you have no message for your generation.

In conclusion, Without the quickening of the spoken word, you can be a carrier of a great destiny and still die a failure.

Author: admin

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