Home Honour is a culture of heaven ~ Pst Belemina Obunge

Honour is a culture of heaven ~ Pst Belemina Obunge

Honour is a culture of heaven ~ Pst Belemina Obunge

Topic: Honour is a culture of heaven
Tex: Revelations 5:13, Revelations 4:9-11
Minister: Pastor Belemina Obunge

There is a culture in heaven, and the culture talks about the way of life of heaven. The culture of heaven is the culture of honour. It is therefore not surprising in the book of Psalm 8:4, the Bible says the Lord had crowned us with honour and glory. And as far as God is concerned, you and I must live lives that would be able to connect us to where we are going to.

Honour is a culture of heaven; one thing I realized about honour is that honour is not about what you receive, honour is about what you give. We honour God because God had honoured us: He has crowned us with glory and honour, He even gave his only begotten son Jesus. And so we honour him because of what he had given to us. Those that are called honorables, are called honorables because of what they ought to be giving the society. So, honour is all about the giving; when the bible says “honour thy wife”, it is about what you will be giving out to your wife. Honour is about giving.

As many that wants to be honoured, must realize that they also should honour. Talking about honour being the culture of heaven, let’s see the example that God has given to us. The Father himself honours and glorifies his son. [Acts 3:13, Phil. 2:9-10]. The son likewise honours the holy spirit [John 16:7]. He realizes that he needs to step aside for the holy spirit to come. The holy spirit also honours the Father [John 16:13-15]. Honour is the culture of heaven.

What does Honour mean to you and I?

  1. We should learn to prefer one another; just as we have seen the father, son and holy spirit do. Phill. 2:4-5. It’s not all about “I, me, myself”. We should prefer one another and honour each other. 1 Peter 2:17 “Honour all men”. [Roms 12:10-11]. When the Bible say “Marriage is honourable”, it means honour should be seen in that home.
  2. Honour should also be seen in our praises. Rev. 5:13. So when we are connecting with heaven, our lives must be a life of praises, our home a home of praise, our businesses, that of praises. Psalm 66:1-2. When you see someone that honours God, their life is a life of praises; praising God, glorifying and testifying about his deeds. So, if you find it difficult to praise God, it means you are not prepared for heaven. Those that honour God, don’t hesitate to praise him. [Psalm 71:8]
  3. Honour is seen in our manifesting purity. Deut. 26:18-19 “18 And the Lord has declared this day that you are his people, his treasured possession as he promised, and that you are to keep all his commands. 19 He has declared that he will set you in praise, fame and honor high above all the nations he has made and that you will be a people holy to the Lord your God, as he promised”. Honour and purity is synonymous. Heaven is not a place for the defiled, it is not a place of compromise, it is a place for the undefiled. [1 Peter 1:4-5]. What you love, you will not mess up but value it. Whatever is precious to you, you will not defile. If your body is precious to you, you would not defile it. If heaven is precious to you, you will not defile the hope of maiking heaven. 2 Timothy 2:20-21.

I want to urge you as you read this piece; as many that desire to make heaven, ask yourself a simple question: is my life a life of honour? Am I living a life of purity? Today, the Lord says, I will honour them that honour me, but those that defile themselves and despies God, he will dishonour.

Prayer Points:

  • My father, my father, you have created me in honour, every manifestation of dishonour in my life, let it be uprooted in Jesus name.
  • My father, my father, anything in my life that will disqualify me from making heaven, by your grace and mercy, let it be uprooted in my life.
  • Oh Lord, I repent from every act of difilement in my life. I am sorry, please have mercy.

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