Home Divine Wisdom ~ Bro. John Umogbai

Divine Wisdom ~ Bro. John Umogbai

Divine Wisdom ~ Bro. John Umogbai

Topic: Divine Wisdom
Text: Proverbs 5:6
Speaker: Bro. John Umogbai

Date: 30th October 2022, 2nd Service

Proverbs 5:6 (KJV)
My son, pay attention to my wisdom,
turn your ear to my words of insight.


Godly wisdom is beyond human comprehension, it is the deep perspective of life that is divine. It is the wisdom that has been to us as a gift, it is a gift of grace, and the only way we can access this wisdom is through the world of God. As God’s children, some instructions have been laid in the scriptures (the bible) for us, deep insights that are supposed to guide us in our life and work with God, but if we don’t access this wisdom and we close the Bible, we will start running a rat race where nothing works for us.

Life is complicated but as much as life is complicated, it is much easier when you have God’s wisdom and depend on God’s word. Make the word of God a standard for your life, let every step you take and everything you do be according to the word of God.

Principles of wisdom (Fundamentals of wisdom, Pillars of wisdom):

  1. Fear of God: Psalm 111:10 (NLT), the fear of the Lord is the first principle of God’s wisdom, what does it mean to fear the Lord? You know that God is the creator of the Heavens and the Earth, He is the King of kings and the Lord of all things and you decide as a person to submit and surrender totally to Him, recognizing that He’s your God and you fear Him.
  • Obedient to the word of God: If you only know the word of God without obeying it then it is not sufficient because wisdom is the right application of knowledge. It is the application of the word of God in our lives that brings us to the manifestation of His fulness as His children.
  • Silence: There is power in being quiet, if you check Proverbs 17:27-28(NLT) you will discover that a truly wise person uses few words.
  • Association: The kind of association you keep can determine how far you go in life. God can use the association of the wise to bring you from one level to another level. In our lives as Christians, there are certain persons we should be associated with and there are people that we should not be associated with.

There are three kinds of people we should have in our associations:

  1. The wisdom speakers: these people will help you with the lifestyle they live, through the books they have written or even the words that come out of their mouths, sometimes they might be your friends or your spiritual leaders. There are people whom God has placed over your life to speak wisdom and words of wisdom, to behave in ways we can model from. 2 Chronicles 26:5.
  • Accountability partners: they help to ensure that those things you have planned to do, those things you have said you want to achieve, they help you ensure you work in the path of God in your life. They are planted by God to help you grow from glory to glory. They are helping you to achieve purpose in your life.
  • Blind Spotters: there are people that God has planted in your life to help you see certain things that your eyes cannot see. Numbers 22. It can be your help at home, sometimes we feel we are higher than them so we don’t listen to them but they have been strategically placed to help us.
  • Understanding: can you have wisdom without understanding? Let’s take a look at Proverbs 4:7(KJV). Beyond wisdom, there is a need for understanding.We know wisdom to know how to make the right decision when to make the right decision, and we know how to apply the knowledge we have acquired through the word of God but beyond that wisdom, there is a need for understanding. Understanding is the WHY behind what you are doing. Until you understand the reason behind every command and instruction God has given (dos and don’ts) you will be struggling.
  • Eternity consciousness: If you do not have the consciousness of eternity then you lack wisdom. Eternity is the life we will live after Earth so if you are living this life with your normal wisdom and smartness and you forget that after here there is a place where you will give an account of your life, then you lack wisdom. Psalms 90:12(NLT). If you realize that your days are numbered on Earth, you will make every day count. Have the consciousness of Eternity!


Matthew 11:25, the wisdom of God is hidden, if you don’t search and you don’t ask, you cannot get it.


  1. Proverb 5:6, Father, show me which path to take, in my career, business, family, and even in my walk with you.

Author: admin

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